Professional and Demographic Characteristics of CCM® Certificants

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In a changing health care industry, board-certified case managers are poised for employment flexibility and strong compensation as they work to support clients by coordinating appropriate care, educating and empowering them, and advocating on their behalf. The site of work for case managers is changing: According to Commission findings, most work remotely or hybrid.  Board-certified case manager salaries are higher than ever, demonstrating the tremendous value that case managers bring to the various health care settings in which they work.

To inform our advocacy and education for board-certified case managers, the Commission surveys board-certified case managers to gather information every two years. The most recent survey results are illustrated in an e-book, "Growth, Benefits and Value: 2023 Insight into Today’s CCM Certificant."

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Among the findings illustrated in the e-book:

  • Most important roles identified: The top three most important roles of a case manager were identified by respondents as: advocacy, ensuring appropriate care, and educating and empowering clients.
  • Site of practice changing: Today, only 30% of respondents work on-site, while 18% work hybrid — both remote and in-person — and the remaining 52% work remotely.
  • Certification valued: 86% of respondents report that certification has benefited their career.
  • CCM certificants’ income rising: Respondents’ median annual salaries have risen since 2019. 77% of respondents report salaries above $80,000, and 36% report salaries above $100,000. 75% have received a pay raise in the last 12 months.
  • Employer insights: 74% of CCM employers represented in the survey prefer or require certification for case managers.

Download the e-book, "Growth, Benefits and Value: 2023 Insight Into Today's CCM Certificant".

Key Insights:

Visit this page to read CCMC’s 2023 Trend Survey insights announcement to the public.